Our Services

  • Got a new puppy? Begin working on potty training, socialization, loose leash walking, cooperative care, and basic obedience now. Get a head start on training to set your dog up for success in your home and help prevent future problem behaviors

    I will also be available to assist via text and email in between sessions.

    up to 45 minutes - $70

  • Work on some new skills with your dog or tackle some problem behaviors. In addition to basic obedience, some things we also cover are helping your dog be calm for grooming and nail trims, loose-leash walking, jumping on guests, excessive barking, and reactivity. Great for dogs over a year old with a longer attention span or dogs working through a behavior modification plan.

    l also be available to assist via text and email in between sessions.

    up to 60 minutes - $95

  • This is a great way for your dog to work on loose leash walking skills or get extra reactivity practice while you are busy during the day! I will come and independently walk your dog and work on training while you are gone.

    *Must complete one session or consultation before signing up

    30 minute walk - $40

    45 minute walk - $50

    60 minute walk - $60

  • Ready to commit to training? Sign up for a package of sessions to receive a discount!

    *Must complete at least one session or consultation with me before purchasing

  • I will get to know your dog as we discuss your primary training and behavior concerns. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have, and then we can get started on training right away! Afterwards, you will receive an email with homework and a custom training plan for how we will tackle your behavior concerns in our future sessions.

    up to 60 minutes - $95

*All sessions will take place in your home unless alternate arrangements are made. My service area includes a 20 miles radius from Normal, IL. If you are outside of the service area, online sessions can be arranged.

why in-home training?

Dog training lessons are just as important for you the owner as they are for your dog. By completing sessions in person with you and your dog it gives you the opportunity to learn how to work with your dog, reinforce the correct behaviors, and handle problem behaviors on a day-to-day basis. Board and trains can be great for laying a good foundation, focusing a lot of time on a complex behavior like with service dogs, or even accompanying private lessons. However, for most dogs when they go home from a board and train they will slowly go back to their old ways unless their owner learns how to keep up with their training the way their trainer did. This is why private lessons are really necessary to teach you the human how to reinforce behavior you want to keep seeing and correctly handle problem behaviors when they come up.

Learning in the home also provides dogs with a familiar environment that is as free of new distractions as possible, and allows sessions to take place where the problem behaviors are most often happening. As you and your dog progress, sessions may take place outside on walks or at locations in your neighborhood to practices skills in more challenging environments.